Sunday, May 17, 2015

Selenium Webddriver - Scripts

Some of useful script for Java Selenium Automation Tester:


JavascriptExecutor javascript = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
javascript.executeScript("alert('Test Case Execution Is started Now..');");



Saturday, May 9, 2015

Selenium - Framework

For Java Selenium training and placement, contact or (925) 322 3131

Selenium - Framework

Selenium will allow you to automate all your web (browsers) actions automation.
  • •Junit/TestNG as the testing framework, including their default reports system
  • •Maven for the project management and lifecycle 
  • •Jenkins is a good integration tool that will easily run the setup above
Different Selenium FrameWork :
1.Page Object Model
2.Data Driven
3.TestNG Reporting
4.Hybrid Framework
5.User-Defined Functions

Framework Advantages:
1.    Less Technical Expertise: Once Framework is set up, manual testers or non technical testers can easily write test scripts for automation.
2.    Easy To Understand: As it is maintained in Excel sheet and no coding is exposed, the test scripts are easy to read and understand. Keywords & actions resemble so closely manual test cases, which become easier to write and maintain.
3.    Early Start: You can start building Keyword Driven test cases before the application is delivered, as Object Repository can be easily set up at the later stage. Using information gathered from Requirements or other documentation, keyword data tables can be created that mirror corresponding manual test procedures.
4.    Re-usability of component: With implementing modularization in Keyword Driven, Re-usability can be further increased.
5.    Re-usability of code: As there is just one Execution Engine in Keyword Driven Framework, it encourage extreme code re-usability.

Data Set:
Data set stores the data files, Script reads test data from external data sources and executes test based on it.
Test Script:
A test is considered as a single action or a sequence of actions, that defines whether a specific feature meets functional requirements. It has multiple test files / packages / class files 
Test Report:
Test report/results is a document which contains summary of test activities.

For Java Selenium training and placement for further details related to framework and Selenium concepts, contact or (925) 322 3131