Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Java Selenium Training - Course Content

Please contact or (925) 322 3131 if interested.

Java Selenium Training
Introduction to Automation
Why and when will we go for Automation
What is the use of Automation
What is the difference between Selenium and QTP
About Selenium:
What is Selenium
Advantages of Selenium
Different flavors of Selenium:
Selenium IDE
Selenium RC
Selenium Grid
Selenium Web Driver/Selenium 2.0
Selenium IDE Introduction:
Downloading and Installing Selenium IDE
Features of  Selenium IDE
Selenium IDE Icons
Recording your first test with Selenium IDE
How to identify elements in webpage using Selenium
Tools to identify elements/objects
IE Developer tools
Google Chrome Developer tools
Locating elements by ID
Finding elements by name
Finding elements by link text
Finding elements by XPath
Finding Elements by using CSS
Selenium IDE Concepts:
IDE Context Menu
Asserting the elements
Verifying the elements
WaitFor elements
Storing the elements
Adding Selenium IDE comments
Building Test cases using Selenium IDE
Synchronization commands
Working on pages with AJAX
How to use looping statements like IF, while  in IDE with few examples
Usage of goto commands in IDE
Capturing screenshots in IDE
Generating Dynamic values using JS functions
Usage of JS functions with IDE
Handling alert messages in IDE
Creating test suites
Framework in IDE
What you cannot record
Selenium IDE Commands:
goBack, refresh, Enterkey simulation, highlight ..etc.
Selenium IDE script without record and playback
Java Basics useful for selenium and web driver.
Class,oops concepts,If,For loop,while,list and iterators
Selenium Remote Control:
What is Selenium Remote Control
Overview of  Selenium Remote Control using JAVA
Download selenium RC
Installing selenium RC
Starting selenium server from Command prompt
Stopping selenium server from Command prompt and Browser
Running selenium scripts/tests from Command prompt using selenium RC
Executing Selenium- IDE Test suites on Different browsers
Report generation for selenium scripts
Selenium RC using Eclipse:
Set up Selenium RC in Eclipse using Junit
Starting Selenium RC from eclipse
Stopping Selenium RC from eclipse
Start and stop selenium RC from Selenium Script
Converting Selenium IDE tests to a programming language(JAVA)
Running Selenium script in Different Browsers with Eclipse and JUNIT.
Writing Selenium tests from scratch using Junit
Junit Annotations
Junit Methods
Debugging Scripts in Eclipse
Frequently used Selenium commands
Syntax of each command
Test Suites using JUNIT
Report Using ANT Build and Junit
Sample Programs in RC:
Identifying objects on web page like -
Text box,  Link,  Button, Checkbox
 Radio Button,  Drop Down Box,  Select value
 Display all values
 Select values step by step
 Write all values into Notepad/Excel/WordPad.
 Capture screen shot
 Handle alerts
 How to read values from excel sheet
Create a Junit suite
Storing Attributes.
Handling Multiple windows and popups
Handling HTTPS sites
Introduction about TestNG
How to Install TestNG plugin in Eclipse
TestNG sample script
Writing Selenium testing script from scratch
Creating Test suites using TestNG
Reports generation using TestNG
Object Repository:
Use of Object repository
How to use OR in Scripts
Sample scripts using Object repository
Web Driver:
Webdriver  vs Selenium RC
Downloading and configuring  web driver in Eclipse
Drivers for Firefox, IE and HTML Unit driver
First Selenium WebDriver Code
Identify Objects using WebDriver:
Text box, Link, Button
Checkbox, Radio Button, Drop Down Box
Select value, Display all values
Write all values into Notepad/Excel/WordPad.

Capture screen shot(positive)
Handling On load alerts
Page scroll down using Java script
HTML Unit Driver
Handling Multiple Windows
Implicit wait
Handling Ajax Auto suggests
Handling web tables
Handling Test data in Excel sheet
Generating test results and detailed Summary Report
Handling Alerts, Browser windows, Application windows & pop-ups
Actions Class:
Mouse over
Simulating Right click

Customized Framework using  Functions and
Object Repository:
Writing Common Functions:
a.     What is function
b.     What is the use of function
c.     How to reuse
Writing Web driver Functions:
d.     Type, Click, Clickandwait
e.     Rowcount, Column count,
f.      Istextpresent
g.     Element present
Selenium Grid:
About Selenium Grid
Getting started with Selenium Grid
How to use Grid

Please contact or (925) 322 3131 if interested.

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